Monday, April 21, 2008

Everyone needs a blog.

This is my first post on my first I have nothing better to do with my time. Ha!

WoolTales is the name I chose for my business when I was in Virginia ten years ago. I had such grandiose ideas of actually making a living in the fiber world. I suppose some can but they need to be more talented than I AND they need a head for business. I found the pressure of deadlines took the fun and creativity out of it for me.

To add some decent content for the poor soul who stumbles upon this site, I am working the placket bands of a Henley knit in CotLin from Knit Picks. The pattern is Top Down
Henley for Women by Knitting Pure and Simple. I don't usually repeat patterns, but I have worked this one four times.

Now to learn to upload pictures.