Spring is coming and I can feel the urgency in needing to finish up those winter projects. Surprisingly it only took a few hours...so why did I procrastinate? I need to work on that.

I couldn't wait to block it before taking a picture. I love the colours and I love the thick and thin of the yarn. I like how it feels on me. What I don't particularly like is how it "looks" on me but it will be a comfortable 'around the house' sweater. I am learning to be more accepting of my finished projects. There is a place for perfection but everything does not need to be, nor can be, perfect.
And while I was procrastinating, I whipped out this cute vest.

I don't know that it looks that good on me, either, but it feels good. I even had the nerve to wear it to my machine knitting meeting. And I think that is where I will spend this week...learning a knitting machine. Ah, the quest for knowledge!