Woolly thoughts and ramblings of a knitter, spinner, needle puncher and now rug hooker! Some of my own patterns...free.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Goodbye - Farewell
Getting these three to line up for a family portrait is not as easy as it looks. We've all met Michelle and her younger sister, Shelly. Sig, their older brother, is in the middle.
They didn't think I would notice they were inching their way to the patio.
Here they are playing on the waterfall.
You see, this is their last play together. Sig is striking out on his own. He's going to live with my daughter in Maine.
It's a bittersweet moment as Sig waits in his travel carrier for the postman to pick him up.
It's not like we won't see him again. We will visit him next summer and pictures will be sent. It will be fun to see where he goes and what he gets up to. It's a new adventure and isn't that what life should be...a series of adventures?
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