Woolly thoughts and ramblings of a knitter, spinner, needle puncher and now rug hooker! Some of my own patterns...free.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Dye Day
We set up at Peggy's house. Here she is giving us our orders. :-)
Cynthia is in charge of showing everyone how to immersion dye if that is their method of choice. Most people like to paint the wool and/or yarn. So we begin.
The first from the pot is Cindy's (not to be confused with Cynthia) Sangria...a ProChem dye.
Karen and Diana are going to paint their yarn.
This is a good shot of Karen applying the dye. Notice everyone is wearing their gloves!
Belinda had a formula in mind of the colour placement.
Billie checking out Karen's finished skein.
Peggy's Cotswold/Merino hand spun.
Cindy's Twilight.
Belinda's Deep Purple (Jaquard) on a Henry's Attic yarn.
Catherine dyed Henry's Attic, too, in a scrumptious Golden Pear from ProChem. I love Belinda's resist dyed Sock Blank.
We dyed darker colours this year.
But there were a few bright ones, also.
I would say it was another successful year.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
It's Spring!
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