This is the only armadillo I've seen up close. The rest were dead along the roadside.
Bruce - my roadside attraction.
This is where we ate...home of the 72 oz steak dinner. If you can eat it in one hour (along with the sides and a roll and three shrimp), it's free!
Cooking area and stage.
He took the challenge!
Our hotel which is part of the restaurant.
Looks like you're having fun. I love driving in West Texas, everyone else says it's boring, but the sky is absolutely amazing. I can watch the clouds and shadows forever. Thursday was a nice small group. The mustached one is missed. Oh, did the guy win the challenge?
I like living the vicarious thrills of your vacation! Just make Bruce take some pictures of you too! He is very photogenic I must admit. Don't tell him it will swell his head. Not adventuresome enough to eat armadillo? I hope you try new epicurian delights while away.
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