Woolly thoughts and ramblings of a knitter, spinner, needle puncher and now rug hooker! Some of my own patterns...free.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Boston Harbor, Washington
After coming all the way from Tennessee, I was anxious to see the Pacific Ocean. What does one do after driving all day? They go for a ride in the car! It wasn't disappointing. Look at the jewel we found. It was one of the more memorable days of our trip. I can't believe I forgot to add it before Vancouver. Obviously, it was meant to be.

With the bonus of a store and seating....
where we could look at this!
Les already is taking on the salty look.
We tried a local brew...excellent!
And here's Annie....
and Tom...
and Bruce.
We looked pretty stressed, eh?
Our local pirate is watching over us so we don't get in trouble.
This appears to be the mascot for the harbor.
The statue has come to life.
This is Scotty...from Scotland. He and his family moved here years and years ago.
He graciously joined us for a drink and captured our hearts with some of his life's tales.
It was a pleasant end to our day.

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