Woolly thoughts and ramblings of a knitter, spinner, needle puncher and now rug hooker! Some of my own patterns...free.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Cumberland Mountain State Park - TN
We really picked a great place to retire and I often forget how close I live to this park. I do not take advantage of it enough. But today, my husband took me to lunch at the park. Banana pudding is a trademark here.
They were decorating the inside for Christmas and it gave me the shove I needed to get in the holiday spirit. Isn't this a beautiful tree? I don't know if it's real or not. I hate the thought of them chopping down such a pretty tree.
This is our famous park bridge. I don't know if it's really famous but I see pictures of it everywhere and on everything.
Fall is a great time to get pics of the park. I just need to set my mental timer next year and do it. Happy Holidays!
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