Woolly thoughts and ramblings of a knitter, spinner, needle puncher and now rug hooker! Some of my own patterns...free.
Monday, August 23, 2010
We stopped by Ed's Batteries and picked up 6 one pound chicks...those are lobsters with one smaller claw to the uninitiated. I am going to have my first lobster dinner from scratch...and I don't have to cook it! Here's Rachel and Tad in their kitchen hard at work.
Under all that steam is the lobster. All six fit in nicely. I did have a momentary pang before they went in...and then thought of our dinner. The claws all looked the same to me.
Butter for the lobster and corn...three sticks!
The corn is locally grown and it was delicious.
Rachel made a salad with salad dressing from scratch. She makes everything from scratch. She didn't learn it from me - the queen of quick cooking.
The finished meal!! Doesn't it look good?
I learned the proper way of cracking and picking the lobster to get the most meat. Everything was 5 star! All the shells where collected and Rachel boiled them for about an hour and a half for lobster stock.
Tuesday we are having lobster risotto! Yum!! I'm one lucky mama. :-)
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Hey Girl - This is so not right...there you are with all that beautiful food and here I am drooling all over my bad green-eyed envious self. I can pretty much taste it all the way down here in Tennessee. Yum!
Glad you're having fun. We'll see you when we see you 'Kindred'.
No calories ... yeah, right!
Smack! Moi
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