Woolly thoughts and ramblings of a knitter, spinner, needle puncher and now rug hooker! Some of my own patterns...free.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Labor Day Weekend Lobster Bake
Yes, we are back on Little Diamond for the annual Labor Day Lobster Bake. This was my first!
Rachel...standing on the dock in the bay. Does a song come to mind?
This will be photo instructions to recreate your own bake. First you dig a pit and start a fire. We missed that part but the fire is going and covered (left of center).
They then covered the fire pit with seaweed....
sprayed it down for lots of steam
and then picked up the steamer box....
and set it in place on the fire.
First course is a layer of seaweed.
On the seaweed goes the sweet potatoes....
then the corn followed by a layer of seaweed.
The lobsters are next!
A layer of seaweed separate the crabs that came next.
More seaweed....
then dozens of eggs.....
followed by hot dogs and keilbasa.
The entire box is covered with seaweed....
then sheets of aluminum foil.....
followed by more seaweed.
Then we wait. The eggs are a necessary ingredient. When the eggs are done, the lobster should be done. The cooking process took just over an hour. Now that the time is up, they are placing poles in the handles of the box.
On the wooden pallet it goes to rest a bit.
The cooks must test the food to make sure it is properly done! If you blow up the photo, you can read the logo on the t-shirts which are worn by members of the island septic committee.
Look at all that lobster!
More taste testing. :-) Then the food makes it's way up to the dock where it's served buffet style. I had my plate in hand not my camera so there's no picture of the line.
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1 comment:
Great! now I just need a beach and some sand. Perhaps next August I'll just plan a trip north.
Looks like such fun!
Peggy, Land locked in TN
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