We finished lunch and are walking, walking...
There were too many booths to visit them all and I didn't take in the barns, etc. But hand made furniture always fascinates me.

Rachel picked up some wood roasted coffee. I had a coffee roaster to roast coffee over an open fire. I wonder what I did with it?

There is nothing like sausages and jerky.

Knit Christmas stockings.

You can learn about solar power. We saw plenty of places in Maine using solar power. It seems to me that it would work well in Tennessee.

I don't know what he was doing stripping the branches off sticks, but he looked charming doing it.

These pictures are for my spinning friends.

These yarns are by Good Karma Farm.

Then there was sea glass. I LOVE finding sea glass...no matter where it is.

She decided on Tide Line as the name of her shop when she found all the letters in the name in one day of beach combing.

Here is a cooper hard at work.

Rachel said she has never seen pie cones anywhere other than the Common Ground Fair.

Bruce got his.

Fortunately, we got a ride back to the car via wagons pulled by tractors. That was good, because I was ready to make a lean-to and live there rather than walk any more!

This was an excellent fair and I'm glad we went. I don't know if the men had enough to keep them occupied, but Rachel and I certainly did.
I hope your are bringing back cards with web addresses!
The Kindred Spirts
Click on the names that are underlined and it will link you to their website.
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