Woolly thoughts and ramblings of a knitter, spinner, needle puncher and now rug hooker! Some of my own patterns...free.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Going North
It seems odd to go north while we are already in Maine, but we went west and north - mid way up the state. Enjoy the pretty pictures.

We just got to the camp and are overlooking Porter Lake.
This is a view of the camp from the back. I spent so much time last year looking at the camp from the front while hooking the chair pad that I felt as if I had intimate knowledge of every bush and tree in the front. I had never seen the back side of the camp.
Bruce walking up the path from the camp. Porter Lake is behind him.
I took this at a high rate of speed. I'm lucky I caught this much. It says, "High Rate of Moose Crashes next 30 miles". I still did not see a moose.
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1 comment:
so very relaxing. where is my cup of java?
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