Woolly thoughts and ramblings of a knitter, spinner, needle puncher and now rug hooker! Some of my own patterns...free.
Monday, September 21, 2009
LDI Harvest Festival
We arrived on Little Diamond Island and to the casino we went with our submission to the pot luck. Of course, Michelle wanted in on this picture. She was making sure there was no crab being injured during this dinner.
We drove around the island to see all the scarecrows. This was serious business because we had to vote which one we thought the best.

It's hard to read the sign in the picture. It says, "Island Goddess".

This was a trompe l'oeil wall we passed. Fantastic, eh?
There is a sailor down on the porch.

This scarecrow in the boat came in second.
"Singing in the rain" took first place.
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Just great! Does everyone on the Island do this scarecrow decoration contest? What fun!
Really enjoyed visiting your blog today and seeing some great photos of Maine! Originally from upstate NY, now in the South, there are times when I really miss that part of the country!
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