Woolly thoughts and ramblings of a knitter, spinner, needle puncher and now rug hooker! Some of my own patterns...free.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Night in Connecticut
We had just crossed the border from New York into Connecticut and hit Danbury at rush hour! It was raining. We were tired. We wanted OUT! We would stay anywhere. "Anywhere" just happened to be one of the best motels/inns we have stayed in...The Stony Hill Inn!
The setting was idyllic. Imagine waking up to this view!
Michelle and I walked over to the gazebo in the morning. She is paying close attention to what's in the pond.
Swans can be aggressive and Michelle doesn't want to be lunch!
To top off our stay at this fabulous inn, Bruce got a coupon for a free bucket of balls at their driving range. Yes, they have a golf course, too! It was a good way to stretch the muscles before driving all day.

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