What an inviting cottage.

Rachel and I take a closer look. Oh, there's Mary Ann to greet us!
And I have never been more warmly greeted. She flipped rugs out on the floor so we could get a good idea of what they will look like while charming us with life stories.

The tote bags she creates with her weavings are wonderful.

If you get to Maine, then this is a stop for sure:
Maine Island Rag Rugs
29 Rockland Street Rockland, ME 04841 Business Hours - Open May to December
Good morning. My company is building Mary Ann a website (Maine Island Rag Rugs) and she was showing me the outside picture you have of her building on your blog. She loves it and was wondering if you minded if we used it on her website. Do we have your permission to do so?
Yes, of course.
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