Woolly thoughts and ramblings of a knitter, spinner, needle puncher and now rug hooker! Some of my own patterns...free.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Blue Hill
My brother-in-law told us how much he loved Blue Hill, Maine and that family was in the cemetery. I had to see for myself so we're on the road again headed for Blue Hill. Don't they look excited?
Not one to miss a good pottery stop, we found Rackliffe Pottery. They were very nice and the woman showed us how they made their pots and how it started with clay from their own land. Her elderly parents still work with the pots. Her mother still presses on all the handles. Bruce was telling her that her fingerprint is now immortalized in all their pots.
We found these cute blueberry earrings.
Next stop was the yarn shop.
I have made a resolution not to buy any more yarn unless I specifically need it for a project. So now I just have to find projects! It's working for me. I needed some yarn for the belly of Sig, Rachel's crab.
I found just the yarn I needed. The shop owner was very nice. Most fiber people are, aren't they?
With some directions from Rackliffe Pottery, we found the Osgood Trail. Fortunately, there was a cop there and said that this was the original trail.
This is coming into Blue Hill. You can just see the ocean through the trees.

Did the above pictures make you car sick? ~ We ended up in the cemetery looking for relatives.

Back we go with colour just popping out. It's truly the beginning of fall and it promises to be spectacular!
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1 comment:
This is a wonderful adventure. Now I have to know how you are related to Lemuel Osgood! The leaves are really starting to turn to fall colors.I can't believe you didn't buy yarn!
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